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Noiyse Project: Music is a magical language that I found

Noiyse Project: Music is a magical language that I found

NOIYSE PROJECT made his debut in 2018 and since that, he released his music on top labels such as The Soundgarden, Beatfreak, Dopamine, Balkan Connection and more.

Within this three years, he released over 75 tracks with 30+ record labels, with topping several progressive house charts internationally.



Hello Noiyse, thank you for taking the time to talk with us. How are you and where are you at the moment?

Hello my friends from Progresivna Suza, you are always welcome and thank you for reaching me out for this interview.
I’m doing well but I’m stuck at home for months because of the Covid19 situation in our country. I’m born and raised in Colombo Sri Lanka and that’s where I’m living currently.


What’s distinctive about the place you grew up, and how did it shape you?

I can say I had a huge relationship with music since my childhood as a person who could sing and play drums and percussion, and also my family members were very supportive towards my love and passion for music and art, since my childhood. As an electronic dance music producer and artist, today I’m getting their maximum support even though they don’t have a big knowledge about this industry.



When did you start producing music? What was it about music that drew you to it?

I started producing music as NOIYSE PROJECT in early 2018, and I’m very proud to say that I learned alone and grew up alone by self learning for these 3 years. My first gig as NOIYSE PROJECT was warming up for Guy J in 2018. When I was starting up in this music industry, I had one of my good friends with me to give the birth to NOIYSE PROJECT and later, he could not be a part of this since his busy life. Taking this chance to thank him for the influence and being there in the beginning!

If we talk about what made me get into music, that is a different story. As Photographer and a designer, I had a very tough and busy lifestyle and I’m still running with them, and I always found my relaxation in music. Specially deep progressive house and underground music could make my mind calm and I could get my mind into a calm place, with the sounds of them. One day, I thought why don’t I give a try to make music like this as a hobby, just to make my stressful head calm down. Then I tried the DAW (FL studio) and made some tracks and sounds, until I feel my satisfaction. Then I started to do experiments and researches about the record labels, and how do we sign our tracks for the labels, and how can we release our tracks in digital stores. I’m not ashamed to say that I have failed about 60+ tracks just to finish one single good track to sign into a label, and the best thing is, I didn’t want to be an artist or a DJ, I just wanted to give out the music that I make to calm and relax myself, to the rest of the world and share them with others, and I didn’t expect any comments or feedbacks for them. That is why I have not used any pictures of mine but only the logo in my page in the years of 2018/19.


How would you describe your own development as an artist and the transition towards your own voice?

As I mentioned before, my desire to distribute my feelings/my life story and memorable moments in my life through music, made me an artist. But my development depended on my failures, and learning from them made me stronger than before. I was always searching and experimenting unique sounds for NOIYSE PROJECT and I can mention this as a PROJECT that I share, the sounds/noise of my life story. I always tried to build a story within a track with a groovy go on and dramatic breakdowns and melodies in them. As I mentioned before, I didn’t start this to be an artist but people started to gather around my music and started to love it eventually day by day, and it became my biggest motivation to keep making new tracks. However, I can say music is a magical language that I found and where I can touch people’s hearts.


DJing is a unique discipline at the border between presenting great music and creating something new with it. How would you describe your approach to it? What do you start with, how do you develop a set, how does a form gradually manifest itself, etc…

As you said DJing is a unique discipline and a unique talent, I would say. In my opinion, every good producer is not a good DJ and also every good DJ cant be a good music producer. But when that both talents blend well, when a person becomes as an artist, that person will be very iconic and unique.

When I’m making a set, the first thing I do is I’m imagining the situation and the crowd of the gig with the set time I got. Then I’m imagining myself as a fan who’s in the crowd and I’m thinking about what kind of music will make me dance and happy at that time. I can simply say that I’m making a set by thinking from the audience perception. When I’m developing a set, most of the time I’m using the story telling method or when its a peak time, I’m continuing the story which handed over to me by the previous DJ. I’m always trying to collect tracks for a set which are groovy and exclusive, or sounds which have not heard by the crowd before. That’s how I make my set very special.



There are a lot of factors which affect the perception of an artist other than his music these days, social media for one, how much emphasis do you put on stuff like this?

Of course there are many factors which help and affect to an artist. Specially for an artist who is in electronic dance music industry, if we take electronic dance music industry its mostly interconnected with the technology. Also an artist from this industry should be updated with the modern technology and improvements of public media. Even though the talents give a birth to an artist, I would say the social media can build his/her entire career and also destroy it too. Me as an artist, I’m very focused on my PR side and also about my image building through the social media and publicity. I’m giving a lot of emphasis to that since that’s the best way to give my message to my fans globally and that’s the easiest way to reach more and more opportunities.


In a song or classical composition, the building blocks are notes, but in a DJ set the building blocks are entire songs and their combinatory potential. Can you tell us a bit about how your work as a DJ has influenced your view of music and your way of listening?

In here I can say an entire DJ set can be consider as a one good set. Because a good popular song has mind catching melodies, breaks or parts that always repeating in our minds. In the same way a good DJ set will remain in our memory with all the breaks, ups and downs and a good energy that DJ gives us. As a DJ I learned how to chose good music and I tried to explore in good music to know what elements and what kind of production methods catching listeners ears quickly.



Hernan Cattaneo and Nick Warren have become tremendous supporters of your music. Do you think that changed how people perceive you as an artist?

Yes and I’m taking this chance to thank these two legends for being there and support my music since 2018. Their supports took me to a good fan base around the world and sometimes their humble feedbacks and advices helped to develop myself. When I met Master Nick Warren in Sri Lanka, I was not even producing properly and I was the official videographer of that event. That day I had a chat with him and he shared his email with me and said send me your music when you are ready. Thank you once again Masters for supporting and must remind that I have met few more humble souls through out my journey even though I couldn’t mention them all name wise.

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How do you see yourself continuing to evolve as an artist in the coming years?

As an artist I’m learning more and more about music and the industry, and I will learn forever because learning isn’t something that we can stop. My only dream is to make music that people will remember forever and be good and humble to everyone I meet in my life. I will keep my country’s name in the top of the world with my music and will help for needy people who I meet in my life with what I learned and earned from music.


How would you describe the relationship between your choices and goals as a DJ and the expectations, desires and feedback of the audience? Is there a sense of collaboration between you and the dancers?

Sometimes our choices does not help us to reach our goals and sometimes our goals does not match with our choices in our lives. As I said, I didn’t have any goal to be an artist or a DJ but the choice I made to make music to cure myself from pain and stress, made a new goal in me to be a good artist one day. Since that, the choices we make will directly affect to our goals and we must make our choices carefully. As a DJ/artist my expectations and desires are big now. In other words, I dream big and I’m really happy that I’m getting good and positive feedbacks for my music and my work which make me motivated more. All these positive energy makes me happy and I’m happy when I see the crowd being happy over the decks when I play. A happy and energetic artist/performer makes the audience happy too. That is the bond/connection I make between the audience and me. Only when I’m happy, I can make others happy.



How do you spend your free time, do you have any hobbies?

To be honest, being NOIYSE PROJECT is my biggest hobby because I’m a photographer/cinematographer and a designer in my profession. Other than being a music producer, I’m listing to all kind of music genres when I’m free and watching movies and playing PC games when I need a change.


What can we expect from you by the end of the year? Any projects that you can share with us?

Yes! So many new original mixes are there, which I made during this pandemic and I’m happy to announce that I’ll be launching my own record label called ”TILL THE SUNRISE” on 10th November 2021, and I will release my own tracks in there for some time. Also many remixes are there to be released and have a big plan to start a fund or a project to help needy people in our society.

For the end, thank you Progresivna Suza team for this nice chat and I wish you guys all the very best for this amazing work you all doing. I hope to see you all soon and I wish all of you and the whole world to be better and to live normally like we used to do.
Stay safe and make some NOIYSE!



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