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Interview: Mauro Augugliaro

Interview: Mauro Augugliaro

Mauro Augugliaro is an Argentine DJ and Producer. Currently eradicated in Cordoba. At the age of 13, he began to learn different musical instruments, developing an interest in music and its derivatives. His style always varies among many genres such as progressive house and melodic house. His productions have been released on major labels such as Hernan Cattaneo’s Sudbeat Music, Or Two Strangers, Stellar Fountain and Balkan Connection. As a DJ he had the opportunity to share a booth with djs like Miss Melera, Analog Jungs, Juan Deminicis and Sebastian Busto.


Hi Mauro, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us for Progresivna Suza.

How are you and how did COVID-19 affected to yours daily life, music production and overall inspiration to write new music?

Hello friends how are you? Thank you very much for the invitation! Currently under the panorama of covid my life basically became a little calmer, I can have more time to develop new tracks in which I have been working, on the other hand the inspiration in these months has been developing in growth, it has allowed me to have ideas clearer when I’m creating my music.


Where did your love of music come from and how old were you when you first realised you wanted to work in the music industry?

My love for music can be traced back to when I was very young, I was always drawn to music, I was listening to new songs and bands all the time. In my adolescence I began to learn guitar and I was attracted to learn more than usual, I think that from that moment I knew it indirectly.


Tell us about growing up and living in Argentina, how has it affected your musical taste and the music you make?

I have good memories of living here in Argentina, It is a very passionate society for whatever they like, therefore here there is a great passion for music whatever the genre it is, from rock to electronic music, without a doubt it has influenced this path that I chose.


Do you think being from Argentina gives you a certain style or vibe that is different from other progressive house producers?

Undoubtedly I think that here in Argentina there is already a marked style of progressive house, already from its sound and style but the good thing is that not only does there exist its own sound but we can also find great producers of the genre in different parts of the world and I think it’s the beauty of making music, that it allows us to break down barriers.


What is the current state of nightilife there?

Here the nightlife has been completely stopped for a few months, and for the moment it will continue like that for what I believe, since there is a large increase in cases of covid.


Looking back over your discography, which release or track holds the best memories for you?

Good question! Many of the tracks that I have published bring back good memories but I think “Lost in a Silver Dream” is the one that brings me excellent memories, for all that it meant at the time.

Is there a movie you would have loved to have produced the soundtrack for? And if so, why?

I don’t know if I would have liked to make the soundtrack of a movie, maybe participate in a certain way, for example I would have loved to see how Hans Zimmer composed ‘’Time’’ for the movie ‘’Inception’’. He is a great composer and producer and above all a great inspiration, love everything he does.


I think for a lot of artists music allows you to write a sketch of your own personal universe in a way, your travels, life experiences etc. Is this something which is true for yourself? Where does inspiration come from?

That is completely true, every experience we live is good or bad, in my case I try to get inspiration from what I see, from the experiences that I go through, I always try to give an emotional factor to my music, I think it is very important .


You recently have published your first solo EP for the Antrim’s label ‘’Or Two Strangers’’ entitled ‘’Paradigm’’ and ‘’Gravitation’’ , which caused a lot of positive comments from the audience. Energetic and emotive in equal measure, it rounds out two excellent productions from you. Can you tell us a bit about this releases and the production process behind it.

Thank you very much for your words! Paradigm and Gravitation emerged some time ago, the first thing I remember about Paradigm was that it had a very fast process. It was one of those tracks that just build themselves up and I think those are the best ideas. Gravitation on the other hand is a more transitional track but with great force. Both tracks have a pretty strong melodic load, and it’s what I like the most.


What are you working on these days, anything new your fans can look forward to?

See Also

These days I keep working on new originals. A remix I made for Balkan Connection will soon be out and I hope to share it with everyone soon.


Do you maybe have a message for the public in Serbia or about the mix we will listen to in this week’s Progressive Tales Podcast?

If there is something I like about Serbia it is to see so much passion and energy that they give to music, it reminds me a lot of the parties here, I would love to see their energy live one day!
About the mix I have prepared something with a lot of groove and quite flying so that you can dance and enjoy it! Hope you like it!


For the end, your current top four tracks are…?

At the moment if I have to choose 4 they would be these:



Once again, thank you for this conversation.

Stay safe, greetings! 🙂

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