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Dmitry Molosh: Progressive is style that hypnotize, evokes emotions and even tears

Dmitry Molosh: Progressive is style that hypnotize, evokes emotions and even tears

Dmitry Molosh – was born in Belarus, in Brest , where has been living till now. Since the earliest years of his life he showed interest to music. In adolescence, the love of music pushed Dmitry try himself in the industry. Like most other DJ’s in his early years Dima found his calling to play music in clubs and parties. He quickly and steadily got respect from his colleagues and was soon recognized as one of the best assets of Progressive House in his hometown.

His passion for progressive music awakened him to a deeper desire to play a more important role and contribute to the environment for a significant way. In 2011, the first release come out on the music label Mu.too Records, thus enabling the launch of its activity as a producer. In such a short period of time he had already done a lot of work. Key year of Dima’s career became 2013 in which he concluded contracts with well-known international labels

He is frequently guest on the radio shows of largest Internet radio stations such as : Proton radio, Frisky radio, Pure.FM. Dmitry visibly progressing what can’t ignore the world famous music portals , so it can safely be called one of the best musicians in the progressive of his country. Due to its successful creative Dmitry is going to become one of the industry’s most sought after artists. In 2012 Dmitry took part in one of the most recognizable and well-organized music festival in the world MAYDAY in Belarus and , judging by his latest rating success and speed of its achievement does not cause much of a surprise if you see it on the larger and more famous events and festivals in the near future.


Hello Dmitry, we are very happy to have you here. How are you? Did you manage to find peace in this crazy year and did you enjoy your vacation?

Hi, thank you, I’m fine. Yes, the year is really crazy, but many times I have caught myself not thinking that I have come to terms with it. I think every artist had enough time to think about everything that has happened with him in recent years, some just didn’t have enough time for it. I relax a lot, spend time with friends, with my family, and sometimes work in the studio.


You are from Belarus. How high is progressive house ranked in your country? What is the Belarus clubbing scene like? Do people there know and understand clubbing culture?

Progressive house isn’t very popular in the country, because there are too few venues that promote a high musical level. The whole club life has already moved to small bars, restaurants, hookah bars with a small capacity as a few years ago. The clubs ceased to exist in the number that was, for example, 10 years ago. In this regard, Minsk is ahead of all cities in Belarus, there are more people who know and understand electronic music, because there are simply more venues and DJ’s who play high-quality music.


Is the huge expansion of electronic music and performers who are seen only as business projects a bad thing for the scene? What would you change?

Honestly, I have never worried about this question, I am sure that this will always be among us, this is the 21st century and this is how not only electronic business works. The main thing is that money does not bury the desire to create, because some people just start buy tracks and they are too lazy to write them themselves. This is everyone’s business, and if a new artist appears in whom money is injected, but who makes at least 1 person on this earth happy, it will be great.



Dmitry Molosh


Do you think the real enjoyment of listening progressive house comes with maturity? How complex is progressive as a genre from your point of view?

It seems to me, if not with maturity, then after some time, for sure. A progressive style that, as a rule, hypnotizes, evokes emotions and even tears, there is a lot of melody in it, a lot of soul. Of course progressive is a mixture of different genres now; deep house, techno, melodic techno, etc. I would still classify progressive as the average level of difficulty, because now not many people want to think about what the author wanted to convey, and what emotions he experienced during this period of time, as the rules, many people want minimalism and groove.


For many people progressive music is a fusion of genres with a big number of different layers. Is there any genre outside of electronic music that allows you to be a better producer?

If you take non-electronic genres, sometimes I listen to something from pop music, but this is very rare. I don’t even use my AirPods, I just talk on them. This year is a year of rest for me, despite the fact that I have written quite a few tracks and remixes. Probably, just my soul now requires silence, but I noticed that if I turn on something, organic house plays in my headphones.


You worked with the biggest names of the progressive house scene on the performance side and in the studio. Do you have a special name you would like to cooperate with in the next phase of your career?

I hope that all the collaborations that were written successfully will be released to the audience. The list of names which I would like to collaborate is of course very large, I would like to work with everyone. I am always for any cooperation, the main thing is that everyone has time. Over the past year I managed to work with Cid Inc., Navar, Michael A, and in November my collaboration release with Ukrainian producer Nōpi will be released, the rest of the tracks are still in the process.


Cid Inc & Dmitry Molosh – Meed Producciones


Who currently inspires you musically the most and brings you back to the studio to work on new material? Who pushes you forward?

The strongest motivator for me is my family, and probably my unfulfilled dreams. But to be honest, this whole situation with COVID has hit many artists psychologically and morally, and communicating with many personally, they very rarely work on new tracks now because there is no inspiration, and I understand them well, the dance floor is our battery.


Nowadays, the availability of music software has enabled young people around the world to engage in production. As one of the world’s top producers, can you give honest advice to them? Where do people most often make mistakes in the beginning?

The main mistake of beginners is that they think they will get everything at once, this does not happen. You don’t have to think about the fact that you will sit down and become popular in 1 day. This is a rather long and laborious process, the main thing is to believe in yourself, work hard and never give up. I know several people who left music because they expected money, popularity, tours from it, but you have to do everything from the desire to create and get pleasure from it.


Is it possible today to be a well-known name in the world of electronic music if the performer is not engaged in production? How important is that part in the big picture?

Nothing is impossible, but personally, I respect artists who are engaged in their own production, I probably only know these. To my friends, I answer this question like this: “If you want to be different from an ordinary DJ, let’s start writing music.”


See Also


Do you have a vision of progressive house in the next 5 years? How do you think the genre will evolve?

Which direction it will develop is difficult to say, I believe that it develops every day. There are a huge number of musicians in the world who sit down and work in their studios every day, where new tracks, new ideas and new sounds are born. Each of us is a part of these changes, because a human being is not permanent, you want one thing now, in an hour another. I have no doubt that progressive will remain of high quality, and for my part I will make every effort


You had the opportunity to perform in Belgrade in 2018. How do you remember that night?

I played with Guy J and Bokee, I can’t believe it’s been 2 years ago. It was a great night, I remember that the venue changed due to the weather, but it didn’t affect people in any way, there was a full club. I really miss the atmosphere and energy of people. Hopefully next year things will work out.


When can we expect new stuff from you and are you currently working on some project?

Several remixes and singles will be released by the end of the year. Very soon in the middle of november my joint release with Nōpi will be released on Replug. In general, there is enough material, so be patient.


Dmitry Molosh


Who is Dmitry Molosh when he is not behind the DJ desk or in the studio? Is there any interesting hobby that you enjoy in your free time?

Good question. I live in the Brest city (population 300,000) and to be honest there are not a lot of choice for relax here. Now I have my own parties in my city, I have a promo group, the Lotus Events team, I like the organizational process, I enjoy it, as well as the pleasure of the cooking process, I like cooking. I always say that if I hadn’t become a musician, I would have become an actor or a cook)

Returning to parties, in my city there is not place with quality music at all, so I decided to take this issue into my own hands to promote culture in my city. And if you move away from music, I spend a lot of time in the company of my friends, my girlfriend, walking down the street, drinking coffee, watching TV series / films, playing PS.


Thanks for this great conversation, we want you to get back into the old rhythm as soon as possible, take care and we hope to see you soon.

Thank you very much, see you soon!

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