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Rules of behavior at the Turija22 festival

Rules of behavior at the Turija22 festival

In order to have a real experience at the festival, for both, visitors and organizers, please inform yourself with the following rules of behavior:

– Since the festival is in nature, we are kindly begging all visitors to pay special attention to not leaving trash around, but to dispose of it in specially marked places!

– It’s forbidden to bring in cold and firearms and any objects that may threaten the safety of visitors, including pyrotechnics, glass objects and stuff like that!

– It’s forbidden to bring in food, drinks, toxic substances and narcotics!

– It’s forbidden burning of fire in any form!



Rules for entering the festival:

Entrance to the festival will be provided in one place.

The festival gate opens on Friday, August 19th, at 02:00 p.m. (for campers), and the program starts at 04:00 p.m.

Checking out of visitors and their stuff may be carried out at the entrance, for the personal safety of visitors. The festival will be secured by a professional security service and volunteers who are in charge of order and peace, so that the festival will take place in the best atmosphere without unnecessary incidents.

See Also

If you violate the stated rules, you will first be warned, and after that the security service has the right to remove you from the venue without the right to compensation for any damages.

At the entrance you will receive a festival wristband which you must have all the time at the festival. Lost wristbands mean the loss of the right to stay at the festival.

We are at your service for all questions and additional information. You can contact us by email [email protected] or through our Facebook page Progresivna Suza


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